OUR competitions!


  • Masskrugstemmen

    A traditional Bavarian endurance contest during which contestants must hold a 1 liter stein of beer in one outstretched arm for as long as possible. The person who holds theirs for the longest time, wins. Sound easy?

    First Prize: $100

  • Yodeling

    Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! Contestants will take the stage and perform a 20-60 second free-style yodel of their choice. The best yodeler wins. No experience necessary.

    First Prize: $100

  • Lederhosen + Dirndl

    Come to Oktoberfest dressed in your best Lederhosen or Dirndl and enter our best-dressed contest.

    First Prize: $100

  • Hammerschlagen

    The first one to drive their nail completely into the wood with a hammer, wins. Friendly warning: This is harder than it looks. Good luck!

    First Prize: $100

  • Masskrugtragen

    Think you have what is takes to carry some beer steins for 40 meters? The contestant who carries the most without spilling, wins.

    First Prize: $100